All Case Studies
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Accelerometer Investigation for Clinical Studies
Wearable devices for the recording of various components of daily activity have been proliferating, but little research has been done up to this point on how these devices compare with each other and how effective they are for clinical purposes.

Emotion and Personality Recognition
Personality traits are fundamental parameters to characterize an individual’s behavior. In this study, personality traits are statistically analyzed and recognized using physiological signals GSR, ECG and EEG.

Measuring Emotional Arousal During Multiple Exposures to Stimuli
Human emotion is a complex, conscious experience that produces involuntary changes in our physiology. Researchers at the University of Windsor employed Shimmer technology to understand emotional response levels during multiple exposures to stimuli.

Using the Shimmer3 IMU to Monitor Epilepsy and Parkinson’s Disease
The management of Epilepsy and Parkinson’s Disease are conditions that can greatly benefit from continuous monitoring using wearable sensors. Learn how researchers employed the Shimmer3 IMU to do just this.

Using EMG to Develop a Monitoring System to Promote Mindful Eating
Mindless eating, or the lack of awareness of the food we are consuming, has been linked to health problems attributed to unhealthy eating behavior. Researchers have used Shimmer technology to develop a system to help promote better eating choices.

Mobile Lifelogging to Assess Mood During Real-Life Driving
The experience of negative emotions in everyday life, such as anger and anxiety, can have adverse effects on long-term cardiovascular health. However, objective measurements provided by mobile technology can promote insight into this psychobiological process and promote self-awareness and adaptive coping.

Identifying Early Indicators of Emerging Mental Health Problems using Shimmer GSR
This study is examining whether it’s possible to identify early indicators of emerging mental health problems in children 3 years old and younger. Studying young children provides a host of challenges, but researchers at the University of Sydney are getting creative in order to make this study a reality.

Assessing Impact Acceleration during Planned and Un-Planned Lateral Cutting
Sports participation has physical, social, and psychological benefits. Unfortunately, lower extremity musculoskeletal injuries are common, especially in sports that involve high-impact maneuvers such as landing and cutting.

Shimmer Technology Used to Advance Performance in Wheelchair Sports
With wheelchair sports becoming increasingly competitive, the need for a greater understanding of the interactions between wheelchair and athlete has come about. This case study shows how Shimmer technology was used to better understand this relationship.

What is the Shimmer3 Bridge Amplifier+ and how can it be used?
The Shimmer3 Bridge Amplifier+ is one of Shimmer’s most versatile sensors. With lift-bar muscle capacity testing, you might try to identify different levels of muscle strength across a constant level of resistance. Read this case study to learn just how it can possibly be used.

Using Shimmer Sensing Technology to assess ankle evertors’ insufficiency
Read the latest case study on how Shimmer technology is integrated into the Myolux solution. A new concept developed for the rehabilitation of ankle/knee posture.

Using Shimmer Sensing Technology to revolutionise a healthcare process
Read our report on a solution that is designed to revolutionize the care process of those suffering from musculoskeletal and neurological disorders. It optimize patient therapy and those suffering from movement disorders based on clinical and understandable results.

Measuring Human Emotion: Reactions To Media Stimuli
This case study outlines the use of Shimmer’s GSR+ and optical pulse sensor in a Group Quantification experiment involving 100 adults. The experiment gathered emotional response data from the group during a screening of short films. The films were chosen by the team which contained a variety of themes, in order to elicit different types of reactions from the audience.

Evaluating Shimmer Sensors for Professional Golf Coaching
This case study provides insight into the use of body worn sensing technology as it relates to professional golf coaching. This case study provides insight into the use of body worn sensing technology as it relates to professional golf coaching. This case study provides insight into the use of body worn sensing technology as it relates to professional golf coaching.

Assessing Falls Risk With Kinesis QTUG™
Take a look at Kinesis falls risk assessment technology based on QTUG™ which incorporates Shimmer’s body worn inertial sensors. Kinesis QTUG provides a solution that improves the accuracy and reliability of mobility, falls risk and frailty assessment. It allows for earlier detection of mobility impairment and falls risk in older adults.

Using Shimmer Sensors to Provide Biofeedback in Resistance Training
The biofeedback application uses inertial sensors and algorithms developed to provide high quality resistance training biofeedback including tempo of movement, range of movement of critical body segments. Read our case study on a Shimmer-based biofeedback application for resistance training.

Tele-Epilepsy and Remote Seizure Monitoring
To detect and alarm for major epileptic seizures using an integrated Multi Sensor Detection Instrument (MSDI) combining ECG and 3D-acceleerometry data from Shimmer sensors. Read our report on tele-epilepsy and remote seizure monitoring.

Enterprise Solutions – Elite Sports Analytics
Shimmer was approached by a global sports analytics provider to develop and build a multi-parameter sports performance monitoring solution – and delivered a system with packet success rate of 99% or better. Shimmer provided a proxy system running on 2 of Shimmer’s wireless sensor devices to show data capture and streaming capability prior to significant development expenses.