Contact Support Form

When completing out the form below, please include as much detail as possible regarding your support query, including:

Our engineers make every effort to respond to all support queries within one to two working days. Some responses may take longer which is typically down to extra efforts regarding research, testing or replicating the support query raised. As our engineers are actively engaged in projects on a daily basis, they do not offer phone support.

NOTE: Technical Support is only available to existing Shimmer users. New customers can contact Shimmer here.

Contact Support

    2024 Support Times

    Dear Shimmer Customers,

    We are working on several customer queries, and experiencing a higher than usual demand for support during this period.

    In light of this, you may experience a longer than usual delay in hearing back from us.

    This is only temporary, so please bear with us. We’ll revert to you as soon as possible. Don’t forget that we have many useful supporting documents. You may find them on our Documentation page.

    Thank you very much.

    The Shimmer Support Team