Shimmer has launched a new Android app which is free and downloadable via the Google Play Store. The app was designed with Shimmer Multi Shimmer Sync users in mind and gives the opportunity to plot sensor data that has been logged in CSV format.
The versatility of the new Android application is evident in its ability to plot other types of CSV data, so long as that data has been stored in columns. Currently there are a very limited number of Android applications which offer this functionality to any users attempting to visually present logged CSV file data on an Android device.
When attempting to plot CSV data on Android devices, a common issue that arises is being able to handle large CSV files. With the creation of Shimmer Plot, a robust and elegant solution has been delivered which will accommodate large CSV files through an inbuilt memory management system which is simple to use.
Other features of the Shimmer Plot Android application are the inclusion of variable header size and multiple delimiters being supported as well as other features that are commonplace with the Android operating system, such as ‘Pinch/Zoom’ for focusing on a specific section of data.
To visit the download the application from the Google Play Store click here.
If you have any other questions about the application or would like to get in touch with Shimmer you can do so as always by mailing