Shimmer's sister company Realtime Technologies, also owned by Shimmer CEO Paddy White, is a Contract Electronic Manufacturing company and thus manufactures all Shimmer sensors and related accessories. Realtime was founded by Paddy in 1996. As a quality manager with Intel's start-up team in Ireland, Paddy noticed a lack of support services for electronics companies that encountered difficulties and required rework and repair of printed circuit boards. Paddy subsequently founded Reatlime to fill this gap. From there Realtime Technologies has grown to be a leading provider of Electronic Manufacturing Services and Design Services in Europe.

Realtime have state of the art facilities both in Dublin, Ireland and the Czech Republic, which enables them to provide high quality, cost-effective services, flexible scheduling and fast lead time to customers. Their Business is ‘taking a product or manufacturing problem and solving it’. Realtime design, manufacture and integrate electronic systems for companies in industries such as aerospace and avionics, medical equipment, defence systems and transport systems. Realtime constantly invests in the latest robotic, inspection and test equipment to ensure the highest quality such as XD7500VR Jade FP X-ray inspection, Universal Fusion MPM Accela Printer, PCB pick and place fusion, Cyber optics flex, ERSA SMARTFLOW 2020. Realtime has the relevant quality certificates: AS9100 and ISO 13485 2016. Realtime's capabilities and the close relationship with Shimmer allows us to design and manufacture sensing systems and solutions of varying complexities and volume.