Our Enterprise Partners
At Shimmer we offer award winning wearable wireless sensors. We believe our partners should have end-to-end, clinically validated and flexible solutions specific to their end user application. It is through this belief, and our own core values that we are able to partner with some of the strongest names in the market to deliver market ready wearable sensing products and services
Tobii Pro, part of the Tobii Group, is the leading provider of eye tracking research solutions and services designed to deepen the understanding of human behavior. Through eye tracking insights, business and science professionals are enabled to drive change and further their research. The solutions are used in a wide range of fields, from shopper research and usability testing, to psychology and vision research. Tobii Pro has over 3,000 commercial enterprises and 2,000 academic institutions among our clients, including Microsoft, Procter & Gamble, Ipsos, GfK and all of the world’s 50 top-rated universities. Shimmer's wearable wireless GSR sensor integrates into Tobii's software analysis platform, Tobii Pro Lab. By combining eye tracking with GSR, marketers, usability and academic researchers can link visual attention with arousal levels to get a fuller understanding or the emotional state and origins of stress.
iMotions is an eye tracking and biometric software platform company originally founded in 2005, headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark with a US office at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. iMotions develops and markets Attention Tool®, which is the most comprehensive, easy to use and scalable eye tracking and biometric research platform in the world. The platform which is targeted at Market, Academic, Usability and Gaming research is used worldwide by leading brand owners and research institutions. iMotions utilized Shimmer's wireless sensors into their platform because they understood that having our Scientific grade, End-to-End, Customized technology platform was a unique opportunity to leverage their Attention Tool® in order to meet their customers' needs.
XPRIZE, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is the leading organization solving the world’s Grand Challenges by creating and managing large-scale, high-profile, incentivized prize competitions that stimulate investment in R&D. XPRIZE conducts competitions in five Prize Groups, and Shimmer has partnered with XPRIZE on their Nokia Sensing XCHALLENGE and Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE competitions. Sharing similar goals, the XPRIZE reinforces Shimmers commitment to collaboration and the generation of new ideas which are already making an impact on the healthcare industry. For more information on XPRIZE, go to www.xprize.org. To see the full announcement of our partnership with XPRIZE see our website's news article.