November 15, 2018, Santa Clara, California – Shimmer Research, Inc. is pleased to announce that its NeuroLynQ system has been awarded the Best New Wearable Technology Device by the IDTechEx Show!
This award recognizes the company that has developed the most useful and/or innovative wearable technology device that was launched in the last 12 months.
Geoffrey Gill, President of Shimmer Americas, said: “The adoption of neuromarketing has been limited by the cost, time, and expertise required to run studies. The NeuroLynQ system addresses these challenges by making it easy and cost effective to get valid results in real-time. We believe that this system is a major step to enable neuromarketing to become mainstream and we are very pleased that the IDTechEx judges have recognized the groundbreaking potential of this technology.”
In less than a year from its launch, NeuroLynQ’s innovation has been on full display in a Super Bowl Ad Study with Ipsos and a World Cup Ad Study with GfK. These two studies have shown that NeuroLynQ can layer in seamlessly with other traditional research methodologies and bring out insights that could not have been derived by using the methodologies individually. If you would like to learn more, feel free to get in contact with us or visit Shimmer’s new website dedicated to all things NeuroLynQ!